Source code for datarade.models

This module contains all models for datarade.
from typing import List
from urllib.parse import quote_plus

from bcp import BCP, Connection
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, create_engine, schema, types, Table

from datarade import git_client

[docs]class DatasetCatalogNotSupportedException(Exception): """Occurs when an invalid platform is supplied to a DatasetCatalog instance.""" print('Supported platforms include: github, azure-devops')
[docs]class DriverNotSupportedException(Exception): """Occurs when an invalid driver is supplied to a Database instance.""" print('Supported drivers include: mssql')
[docs]class Field: """ Represents a column in a dataset Args: name: name of the field type: field type, one of: [Boolean, Date, DateTime, Time, Float, Integer, Numeric, String, Text] description: non-functional, short description of the field, can include notes about what the field is or how it's populated """ def __init__(self, name: str, type: str, description: str = None): = name self.type = type self.description = description @property def sqlalchemy_column(self) -> 'schema.Column': """ Converts a datarade Field object into a sqlalchemy Column object Returns: a sqlalchemy Column object """ type_lookup = { 'Boolean': types.Boolean, 'Date': types.Date, 'DateTime': types.DateTime, 'Time': types.Time, 'Float': types.Float, 'Integer': types.Integer, 'Numeric': types.Numeric(18, 2), 'String': types.String, 'Text': types.Text, } try: return schema.Column(, type_lookup[self.type], comment=self.description) except KeyError as e: print(f'Not a valid column type: {self.type}') raise e
[docs]class Database: """ Represents a database, either as a source for a Dataset, or as a target in a DatasetContainer Args: driver: the type of database, currently only 'mssql' is supported database_name: the name of the database host: the name of the server, including the instance port: the port that the database is listening to on the server schema_name: the name of the schema """ def __init__(self, driver: str, database_name: str, host: str, port: int = None, schema_name: str = None): self.driver = driver self.database_name = database_name = host self.port = port self.schema_name = schema_name
[docs] def sqlalchemy_metadata(self, username: str = None, password: str = None) -> 'MetaData': """ Takes credentials and returns a sqlalchemy MetaData object for this database Args: username: the username for the database password: the password for the database Returns: a sqlalchemy MetaData object """ driver = '{' + self._odbc_driver_name + '}' if self.port: server = f'{},{self.port}' else: server = base_url = f'DRIVER={driver};SERVER={server};DATABASE={self.database_name};' if username and password: auth = f'UID={username};PWD={password}' else: auth = 'Trusted_Connection=Yes' url = base_url + auth try: engine = create_engine(f'{self._sqlalchemy_driver_name}:///?odbc_connect={quote_plus(url)}') except Exception as e: print(f'Unable to create an engine using these parameters: {quote_plus(url)}') raise e if self.schema_name is not None: # sqlalchemy treats schema=None and not returning schema differently return MetaData(bind=engine, schema=self.schema_name) else: return MetaData(bind=engine)
[docs] def bcp(self, username: str = None, password: str = None) -> 'BCP': """ Takes credentials and returns a BCP object for this database Args: username: the username for the database password: the password for the database Returns: a BCP object """ conn = Connection(driver=self.driver,, port=self.port, username=username, password=password) return BCP(conn)
[docs] def full_table_name(self, table_name: str) -> str: """ A utility method that is needed for MS SQL Server databases which have schemas Args: table_name: the one part name of the table Returns: the three part name of the table, if the schema is present """ if self.schema_name is not None: return f'{self.database_name}.{self.schema_name}.{table_name}' else: return table_name
@property def _sqlalchemy_driver_name(self) -> str: """ Selects the sqlalchemy package to use given the database driver Returns: the sqlalchemy driver in '<database driver>+<sqlalchemy package>' format """ if self.driver == 'mssql': return 'mssql+pyodbc' else: print(f'This driver is not supported: {self.driver}') raise DriverNotSupportedException @property def _odbc_driver_name(self) -> str: """ Finds the appropriate ODBC driver on the machine given the database driver Returns: the latest SQL Server Native Client for MS SQL Server databases """ if self.driver == 'mssql': import pyodbc installed_drivers = pyodbc.drivers() sql_server_native_clients = [client for client in installed_drivers if 'SQL Server Native Client' in client] try: latest_client = sorted(sql_server_native_clients)[0] except IndexError as e: print('There is no version of the SQL Server Native Client driver installed.') raise e return latest_client else: print(f'This driver is not supported: {self.driver}') raise DriverNotSupportedException
[docs]class User: """ Represents the user that should be used to access the data. This should not store the password for obvious reasons, but can be used in conjunction with the password that is passed to the Database object. This makes it so that the client application that's consuming this dataset only needs to know the password for the account, not the account or where the account needs to be setup. It effectively turns the password into a token. This currently supports database users (e.g. a SQL Server account). To connect as an AD account, run your client application as that account and don't store the user in the dataset in your dataset catalog. For backwards compatibility, this is not a necessary attribute on a Dataset. Args: username: the username, possibly with a domain (e.g. 'username', 'DOMAIN/username') """ def __init__(self, username: str): self.username = username
[docs]class Dataset: """ Represents a dataset as metadata Args: name: an identifier for the dataset that is unique within the DatasetCatalog definition: the sql defining the dataset fields: a list of Field objects in the dataset description: non-functional, short description of the dataset, can include notes about what the dataset is or how it's populated database: a Database object that contains the data for the dataset user: a User object that can be used to connect to the database to access the data """ def __init__(self, name: str, definition: str, fields: 'List[Field]', description: str = None, database: 'Database' = None, user: 'User' = None): = name self.definition = definition self.fields = fields self.description = description self.database = database self.user = user
[docs]class DatasetCatalog: """ Represents a git repo that hosts datasets in a predetermined structure This can be thought of as a place to host datasets for data pipelines. But it can also be thought of as a place to advertise datasets to a broad audience since it only contains metadata and not the underlying data. Args: repository: the name of the repository organization: the name of the organization (or user for GitHub) that owns the repository platform: that platform that hosts the repo ['github', 'azure-devops'] project: the name of the project that contains the repository, only used for Azure Repos branch: the branch to use in the repository username: the username with read access to the repository, only used for Azure Repos password: the password with read access to the repository, only used for Azure Repos, can also be the one-time git credentials password that bypasses MFA """ def __init__(self, repository: str, organization: str, platform: str, project: str = None, branch: str = 'master', username: str = None, password: str = None): self.repository = repository self.organization = organization self.project = project self.branch = branch self.username = username self.password = password self.git = self._get_git_client(platform=platform)
[docs] def _get_git_client(self, platform: str) -> 'git_client.AbstractGitClient': """ Configures the appropriate git client given the platform Args: platform: the source control platform, one of 'github' or 'azure-devops' Returns: the appropriate git client """ if platform == 'github': return git_client.GitHubClient(repository=self.repository, organization=self.organization, branch=self.branch) elif platform == 'azure-devops': return git_client.AzureReposClient(repository=self.repository, organization=self.organization, project=self.project, branch=self.branch, username=self.username, password=self.password) else: raise DatasetCatalogNotSupportedException
[docs]class DatasetContainer: """ Represents a target data repository that stores datasets, currently a database Args: database: the database to write datasets to username: a user with create table and insert permissions on the schema password: the password for the user """ def __init__(self, database: 'Database', username: str = None, password: str = None): self.database = database self.metadata = self.database.sqlalchemy_metadata(username=username, password=password) self.bcp = self.database.bcp(username=username, password=password)
[docs] def create_table(self, dataset: 'Dataset'): """ Creates a table in the DatasetContainer with the correct attributes to store the data Args: dataset: the dataset to use as a blueprint for the table """ field_args = [field.sqlalchemy_column for field in dataset.fields] table = Table(, self.metadata, extend_existing=True, *field_args) table.drop(checkfirst=True) table.create()